Friday, March 30, 2012

See, Herm Edwards gets it.

 In 2002, former Jets coach Herman Edwards had a famous meltdown in a post game news conference. Edwards repeatedly exclaimed, "You play to win the game!". Far too often, I watch a hockey game where the teams will go into a Claude Lemieux like shell for the final 5 minutes of a tie game attempting to guarantee at least one point. Fans, myself included, have muttered the phrase, "Just get the point" on more than one occasion. There is something inherently wrong with that.

 After a shootout loss, how often have you turned to your friend and uttered the phrase, "At least we got a point!". Sports is about winning and losing. There should be no consolation prizes. There should be no "participation trophies" in professional hockey. A loss should sting. Whether it happens in 60 minutes, 65 minutes, or after a skills competition.

 In my perfect world, the shootout would go the way of Milli Vanilli. Into obscurity and something we can all look back at and laugh about.

 "Hey, remember when we had the shootout?"

 "Sure do, that was so crazy. Who thought of that silliness? I can't believe they got away with it for so long!"

 But this is not my perfect world. I know the shootout will never go away. The casual fans love it. Alas, I have come up with a new system*, rewarding wins but still keeping the shootout. Here we have it:

Regulation win = 3 pts
OT win = 2 pts
Shootout win = 1 pt

Loss of any kind = 0pts. Zip, zilch, nada. Thanks for showing up. Score more next time.

*I'm fully aware this wasn't something thought up solely by me. However, I have seen very few proponents of this system so, for now, I'm claiming it.

 This system will motivate teams to play for wins instead of guaranteed points. I understand and accept the counterpoint that taking chances late could be more damaging considering a three point swing, but in my opinion, this system will add so much more excitement to the game.

 Imagine this scenario: Your favorite team, for our purposes the Rampage, are 3 points behind the 8th seed for the final playoff spot. The team directly ahead of them is done for the season. The Rampage HAVE to get a win in regulation to tie. Can you imagine a tie game with 5 minutes left. The strategies of the game completely change, even getting to the point where a team may pull a goalie in a tie game going for that extra point.

 Conversely, imagine how much more interesting other games could be. It's not just about wins/losses/loser points any more. It's about when a team wins a game. Now, imagine you are the 8 seed on the final day. You will be much more interested in when that Rampage game ends now. You are actually hoping for overtime or a Rampage loss.

 I know it's a pipe dream. I know it will likely never happen. But it's MY pipe dream. And one that I think makes too much sense. Loser points need to go away. Teams shouldn't be happy with one point. Sports is all about wins and losses and the NHL/AHL needs to get back to that premise. It will add excitement and it will guarantee the best teams make the playoffs.

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